tāṛkṣya (br.)
the adventurous deeds of indra . description of the slaying of vṛtrāsura
the all.bearing nature and all.forcefulness of agni
the alphabetical order of the ṛgveda mantras
the anecdote of aṅgirā rishis getting cows from the gods
the anecdote of rishi aṅgirā
the anecdote of rishi aṅgirā
the anecdote of rishi aṅgirā
the āprī sūkta related to horse in the aśvamedhayajña
The association of indra and agni
the birth of āditya
the birth of aṅgirā rishis
the birth of aṅgirā, Aditya and bhṛgu (br.)
the birth of atri, aṅgirasa and bhṛgu (br.)
the birth of indra
the birth of indra
the bond of friendship between agni and indra
the braḥmaṇas and āraṇyakas of ṛgveda
the close connexion between ṛk and sāma
the connection between agni and aṅgirā rishis
the connection between kāla and āditya
the connection between kāla and mahātattva
the connection between kāla and mahātattva
the connection between kāla and mahātattva
the connection between the principle of udaka and varṇua
the conversation between agni and the gods
the conversation between indra, indrāṇī and the son of indra by name vṛṣākapi
the conversation between ṛṣi agastya and his wife on the topic of rati
the conversation of urvaśī and purūravas
the description of aśvājani or kaśā
the description of the nature of aśvamedhayāga etc.
the description of the praise of the horse
the difference between jñāsa and sajāta
the difference between the words āprī and āpra
the difference in meaning in the Veda and the purāṇas of the word gaṇapati
the direct relationship agni has with his devotees
the distinctions between daivatamantra, stutimantra and āśīrmantra according to their meanings
the distinctions between daivatamantra, stutimantra and āśīrmantra according to their meanings
the divine workings of agni
the division of kāla, mṛtyu etc.
the duty of the ṛtvik by the name of agnimindhaḥ
the duty of the ṛtvik by the name of grāvagrābhaḥ
the eight vasus
the eight vasus
the energy of agni to range forth
the etymological derivation of the word aṅgirā
The etymological derivation of the word indra
The etymological derivation of the word indra
The etymological derivation of the word indra
The etymological derivation of the word indra
the etymological interpretation of the word agni
the etymological interpretation of the word agni
the etymological interpretation of the word agni
the etymological interpretation of the word agni
the explanation of bṛhaddevatākāra on agastya being the son of mitrā.varuṅa
the explanation of the word tat as found in the gāyatrī mantra
the exposition of the theory that the body is natural to jīva and the eternal nature of jīva
The five branches of ṛgveda
the five types of variation of ṛk and sāma mantras
the forefathers by the name of athravāḥ
the forest.fire nature of agni
the founders of the kāṇva branch
The friendship between indra and maruts how maruts helped indra, etc.
The friendship between indra and maruts how maruts helped indra, etc.
The friendship between indra and maruts how maruts helped indra, etc.
the gālava branch
the gāyatrī mantra and the praṇava that extoll brahmā’s divine music in the form of āditya is itself musical
the god apāṁnapāt
the god apāṁnapāt
the god apāṁnapāt
the golden puruṣa who is hidden in āditya and of the nature of savitṛ
the grammatical processes for the words found in the gāyatrī mantra
the greatness of the chariot of aśvinī gods
the gṛhyasūtras
the group of forefathers called aṅgirāḥ
the historical account by the commentators on the topic of the ṛk, etonvindram (for the purgation of indra) and two others ṛks
the historical account related in the śātyāyana brāhmaṇa of the sāmaveda in connection with the story narrated in the ṛk, kumāraṁ mātā yuvatiḥ
the historical account related to the topic that rishi kakṣīvān is the son of the woman by the name of uśik
the idea that goddess uṣas is the mother of agni
the importance of ājya, etc.
the justification for how agni can be invoked by the name of indra
the manifestation of agni
the meaning of the woṛd ṛk, etc.
the meaning with explanation given in the agnipraṇayana karma of the aitareya brahmaṇa to the ṛk, agne viśvebhiḥ
the milk of cow in the form of ilā
the misfortune that befalls on ignoring an atithi, not treating with due respect, etc.
the mother.daughter relationship between uṣas and pṛthivī
the movement of āditya or savitṛ ranging over the worlds
the mutual relationship between the present and past of uṣas
the mutual relationship that exists between indra and varuṇa
the name for the seven somapālakas
the nature and description of the ukthamantras
the nature and description of the ukthamantras
the nature and description of the ukthamantras
the nature and description of the ukthamantras
the nature and description of the ukthamantras
the nature of ātman
the nature of gharma and pravargya
the nature of ilā related to yajña
the nature of the different forms of agni
the nature of the god agni and a special description
the nature of the relatives living under one roof are not necessarily the same
the nature of time
the nature of tying a horse
the nine different types of stomas and their nature
the number of grahapātras
The oneness between indra, viṣṇu and āditya
the oneness of gāyatrī, agni and śyena and their status at the time of savana
the opinion and criticism of the scholar Bloomfield on the ṛk, aminatī daivyāni
the opinion put forth by the English scholar Wilson on the sūkta, kaṅkato na
the pariśiṣṭa mantra, upaplavata
the pariśiṣṭa mantra, upaplavata maṇḍūki and Yaska’s expalanation of it
the pariśiṣṭa mantras of the ninth maṇḍala
the pariśiṣṭa mantras that have to be chanted at the end of the fifth maṇḍala and the nature of these mantras
the pariśiṣṭa mantras that have to be chanted at the end of the seventh maṇḍala
the part of a sacrificial rite called aponaptrīya
the part of a sacrificial rite called aponaptrīya and the subject of vasatīvarī udaka
the praise and description of indra’s horses
the praise of gāyatrī
the praise of the charity that the king ṛṇañcaya gave to babhru
the praise of the horse
the prayer of agastya’s wife lopāmudrā to agastya on the subject of rati
the prominence of gāyatrī at the time of savana
the puruṣa hidden in the ādityamaṇḍala is the supreme soul
the reason for agni getting the name of aṅgira
the reason for agni getting the name of aṅgira
the reason for agni getting the name of aṅgira
the reason for agni getting the name of aṅgira
the reason for agni getting the name of aṅgiras
the reason for agni getting the name of aṅgiras
the reason for indra getting the name of marutvān
the reason for indra getting the name ṛjīṣī
The reason for the misunderstanding between indra and agastya
the reason why agni got the three names havyavāhana, kavyavāhana and saharakṣa
the reason why gāyatrī got the name of sāvitrī
the relationship and association of monarch.subjects between indra and maruts
the relationship between āditya and agni
the relationship between āditya and kāla (time)
the relationship between āditya and pṛthivī
the relationship between āditya and rathantarasāma
the relationship between āditya and the sacrificial offering
the relationship between arka, agni and gāyatrī
the relationship between gāyatrī, agni and aṛka
the relationship between the immortal soul and the mortal body etc.
the relationship between the mantras on aśvin’s weapons and agni
the relationship between uṣas and the sacrificial agni
the relationship of agni and aditya
the relationship of agni with the gods
the relationship that exists between indra and the ṛbhus
the releationship between uṣas and agni
the repentance of ṛṣi agastya
the rishis of the fifth maṇḍala and explanation of the ṛks received by these seers
the rishis of the ninth maṇḍala
the river by name anitabhā
the sacrificial offering consecrated to agni reaching āditya and resuting in fruits such as rain etc.
the sacrificial offering in agni due to the relationship between agni, arka and gāyatrī
the seven rays of āditya
the significance of gāyatrī
the similarities between kālacakra and the ādityamaṇḍala
the skill of ṛbhus in fashioning chariots
the special nature of the āprī sūktas
the speciality of agnijvālās
the spiritual character of chandas and the importance of gāyatrī in search for knowledge
the spiritual explanation of the ṛk, asyavāmasya
the spiritual explantion of the ṛk, apaśyam gopām
the spiritual explantion of the ṛk, apaśyam gopām
the status and significance of gāyatrī
the status of āditya and the protector and protected relationship between āditya and the world
the status of vaiśvānarāgni in agnimārutaśastra
the story of how a king named āsaṅga attained manhood and his wife congratulating him for it
the story of how indra killed an asura, suṣṇa to help rishi, kutsa
the story of indra’s wife prāsahādevī
the story of kadrū.suparṇi . various meters (chandas) are the sons of suparṇi
the story of rishis agastya and vasiṣṭht
the study of the Vedas will not fructify without the service of the guru
the subject of agni hiding secretly in waters
the subject of agni hiding secretly in waters
the subject of how agni manifested to mātariśvan
the subject of how agni manifested to mātariśvan
the subject of how aśvinī gods set right the broken leg of the woman viśpalā, the relative of the king khela whose priest was agastya.
the subject of how aśvinī gods set right the broken leg of the woman viśpalā, the relative of the king khela whose priest was agastya.
the sukta of 10th supplement (5 riks) "agniraita prathamo devatānām" along with meaning and explanation
the theme of aśvinī gods being the physicians of the gods
the theme of indra cutting the bow.string of rudra’s bow
the theme of indra rescuing from the anthill parāvṛkta, the son of agru
the three aspects that show the prominence of gāyatrī
the three groups or categories of āprī sūktas
the three intermediate variations of antarikṣa, dyuloka and pṛthivīloka
the three pādas of gāyatrī and the nature of its turīyapāda the meaning of the mantra, pādosya viśvā bhutāni
the three types of anna
the three types of births of agni
the three types of births of agni
the three types of births of agni
the topic of agnāyī, the wife of agni
the topic of agni becoming the husband of kanyā during wedding
the topic of agni encompassing the herbs and growths of the earth
the topic of apālā, the daughter of atri, who offered soma to indra as narrated in the śātyāyana brāhmaṇa
the topic of aryamā, mitra and varuṇa
the topic of aśvinī gods rescuing gotama
the topic of brahmahatyādoṣa accruing to indra and his efforts to have it removed
the topic of generation of fire in araṇi
the topic of how aśvinī gods won the competition at the time of the wedding of suryā
the topic of indra cleaving the seven mountains
the topic of indra praying to viṣṇu for help in the slaying of vṛtra
the topic of indra slaying viśvarūpa
the topic of the meaning of the word apatya and explanation
the twenty seven stars and deities presiding over them
the two movements of āditya
The two types of powers of indra
the two ways in which gāyatrī has to be worshipped and the oneness with the external world
the unstoppable power of ranging forth of indra’s chariot
The vajrāyudha of indra
The vajrāyudha of indra
The valour and capabilities of indra and agni
The variety in the vehicles of indra and other gods
The variety in the vehicles of indra and other gods
the vehicle rāsabha of aśvinī gods winning in the competition of the gods
the vile gods
the way uttarvedi in sacrificial rites is constructed and its importance, etc.
the word cārūṇi
the word ciketat
the word grāma
the word karambhiṇam
to allay the brahmahatyādoṣa of indra the historical account that commentators have come up with regarding the the three ṛks starting with, etonvindram
translation of the meaning of ahibhānavaḥ
translation of the word kaśā and criticism
translation of the word kaśā and criticism
treatise on the separation of letters in meters
twenty one different yajñas
twenty one different yajñas
two explanations of the ṛk akrāntsamudraḥ
two meanings of the ṛk, agnirasmi janmanā and the criticism of the topic