oṁkāra is parabrahma
on agni being the carrier of sacrificial offerings
on agni having the name of sahasasputra (son of the force)
on agni the god.
on aśvinī gods bringing youth to rishi cyavana who was tormented by old age
on aśvinī gods bringing youth to rishi cyavana who was tormented by old age
on aśvinī gods bringing youth to rishi cyavana who was tormented by old age
on aśvinī gods bringing youth to rishi cyavana who was tormented by old age
on aśvinī gods bringing youth to rishi cyavana who was tormented by old age
on aśvinī gods bringing youth to rishi cyavana who was tormented by old age
on how adhikamāsa came into existance
on how aditi, dakṣa, ādityas and other gods were created (the creation of the universe as described in the sūkta 72 of 10th maṇḍala of ṛgvedasaṁhitā)
on how agni got the name of kumāra
on how agni is extolled as the father and the son
on how agni takes birth in araṇi
on how asat came out of sat
on how asvinī gods found the husband for the woman ghoṣā
on how aśvinī gods gave eyes to rishi kaṇva who was the son of nṛṣada
on how aśvinī gods gave eyes to rishi kaṇva who was the son of nṛṣada
on how aśvinī gods made sure that the bees get their honey
on how aśvinī gods made the cow of the rajarṣi śayu to yield milk
on how aśvinī gods made young the husband of sukanyā
on how aśvinī gods rescued cataka bird (sparrow) from the mouth of a wolf
on how aśvinī gods rescued kaṇva
on how aśvinī gods rescued rishi kaṛkandhu
on how etaśa was rescued by indra
on how indra destroyed the chariot of the goddess uṣas
on how indra helped rishi etaśa when he was fighting a prince by name svaśva
on how indra helped rishi etaśa when he was fighting sūrya
on how indra made the mountains stable on earth
on how indra rescued parāvṛkta, the son of virgin agru, from an anthill
on how indra rescued parāvṛkta, the son of virgin agru, from an anthill
on how indra slayed asura suṣṇa to help kutsa
on how maruts helped indra and the historical account of how an intimacy ensued between indra and the maruts
On how maruts helped indra at the time of the killing of asura, vṛtra
on how ṛbhus became fit to partake of soma
on how ṛbhus got the status of gods
On how ṛbhus obtained the friendship of indra
on how ṛbhus turned one camasa vessel to four
on how ṛbhus turned one camasa vessel to four
on how rishi gotama, when thirsty, prayed to aśvinī gods for water and how they brought him a well that was far away to quench his thirst
on how rishi gotama, when thirsty, prayed to aśvinī gods for water and how they brought him a well that was far away to quench his thirst
on how ṛjrāśva prayed to aśvini gods when he was blind to grant him sight
On how the supreme brahman gets many names like indra, mitra, varuṇa, agni etc.
on how uṣaḥkāla pervades the past, the present and the future
on how when rishi atri was being burnt alive in tuṣāgni by asurās, the aśvinī gods rescued him
on how when rishi atri was being burnt alive in tuṣāgni by asurās, the aśvinī gods rescued him
on indra being the greatest of the gods
on indra desiring the status of prajāpati
On indra drinking soma
On indra drinking soma
On indra drinking soma
On indra drinking soma
on indra forcefully partaking of soma wine in the sacrificial abode of tvaṣṭṛ
on indra giving a helping hand to rishi etaśa who was fighting with sūrya
on indra partaking of soma wine in the yajña of śaryāti and about the rājarṣi śaryāti
on indra partaking the meat of animals
on indra rescuing dabhīti
on indra slaying a woman of rakṣasa birth
on indra slaying the asura, krivi
on indra slaying the asura, krivi
on indra slaying the asura, namuci as recounted in ṛgveda and yajurveda
on indra slaying the asura, namuci as recounted in ṛgveda and yajurveda
on indra slaying varāhāsura
on indra slaying varāhāsura
on indra thieving the wheels of sūrya’s chariot
on ṛbhus fashioning vessels like camasa and others used in sacrifices
on ṛbhus propounding that the principle of water is the greatest or the source of all (āpo bhūyiṣṭhaḥ)
on ṛbhus rescuing a motherless calf
on the anecdote of ṛbhus and tvaṣṭṛ
on the āśiradravya that is mixed with somarasa
on the association that exists between indra and viṣṇu
on the birth of agni and his three states
on the birth of ilā and the earthly nature
on the chandas gāyatri bringing the soma from the heaven
on the connection between agniṣṭoma and agni
on the creation of aśvinī gods
on the creation of aśvinī gods
on the creation of aśvinī gods
on the creation of the oṁkāra
on the division of kāla
on the energy of expansion of agnijvālā
on the friendship that exists between indra and angirasa rishis
on the goddess ilaḥ
on the individual by name jātūsthira
on the killing of asura named arbuda by indra
on the meaning of the word kuśika
on the method of japa with āpo hi ṣṭha sūkta and how with the japa of this sūkta indra’s brahmahatyādoṣa was removed
on the method of movement of the chariot aśvinī gods
on the nature of avidyā and vidyā
on the nature of ilā
on the nature of rishis, etc.
on the nature of the chariot of aśvinī gods
on the nature of the chariot of aśvinī gods
on the nature of the chariot of aśvinī gods
on the nature of the chariot of aśvinī gods
on the nature of the chariot of aśvinī gods
on the nature of the chariot of aśvinī gods
on the nature of the chariot of aśvinī gods
on the nature of the chariot of aśvinī gods
on the number of ādityas?
on the physical and mental virtues of indra
on the praise of the charitable nature of one śaśīyasī, the queen of rājā taranta
on the principles of asat and sat
on the principles of asat and sat
on the race of people by the name of kīkata
on the relationship between agni and the sacrificial beast
on the rishi etaśa
on the rishi uśanāḥ
on the rishi uśanāḥ
on the story of birth of rishi kakṣīvān
on the story of birth of rishi kakṣīvān
on the subject of agni being the leader of the gods
on the subject of agni being the very nature of all the gods
on the subject of agni drawing himself away from gods and hiding in the waters (br.)
on the subject of an asura by name kuyava
on the subject of aśvinī gods rescuing puruīḷha, atri and gotama—the anecdote of purīuḷha
on the subject of goddess aditi—the adjectives that describe the nature of aditi
on the subject of gods giving their powers to indra for the slaying of vṛtra
on the subject of how agni got the name of kumāra
On the subject of human beings not knowing much about indra
on the subject of indra destroying the chariot of goddess uṣas
on the subject of indra destroying the chariot of uṣas
on the subject of indra destroying the chariot of uṣas
On the subject of indra drinking excess of soma
on the subject of indra slaying the asura, vṛtra on the day of paurṇamāsi
on the subject of rishi kakṣīvān
on the subject of rishi kakṣīvān
on the subject of rishi kakṣīvān, born of a woman named uśik
on the subject of the god aja ekapāt
on the subject of the god aryamā
on the subject of the god aryamā
on the subject of the god aryamā
on the subject of the individual by name kaviḥ uśanāḥ
on the subject of the individual by name ṛjitva
on the subject of the individual by name ṛjitva
on the subject of the twin gods born to aditi in two ways
on the theme of agni being the greatest among aṅgirā rishis
on the theme of agni hiding in the waters (according to the taittirīyasaṁhitā)
on the theme of agni hiding in the waters (according to the taittirīyasaṁhitā)
on the theme of agni hiding in the waters (according to the taittirīyasaṁhitā)
on the theme of alakṣmī or the god of poverty
on the theme of aśvinī gods being described as the creators
on the theme of aśvinī gods making their horse ooze out wine from their hoofs
on the theme of goddesses ilā, sarasvatī and bhāratī
on the theme of rishi atharvā stirring up agni from puṣkara
on the theme of the chariot of aśvinī gods winning in the competition of the gods
on the theme that the ājya parts of the yajña are its eyes
on the topic of a woman by the name of ghoṣā
on the topic of abhyasta (repeated) words
on the topic of āditya being responsible for rain
on the topic of agni being called yuvaka, yaviṣṭha
on the topic of an individual by name āyu
on the topic of āśira concoction
on the topic of āśira concoction
on the topic of asuras by the name of kālakañjaras
on the topic of aśvinī gods completing the yajña of the gods
on the topic of aśvinī gods propitient to jāhnavī, the daughter of maharṣi jahnu
on the topic of aśvinī gods setting right the cut leg of the woman by name viśpalā, a relative of the king khela
on the topic of cutting up the body of the horse, etc.
on the topic of deathlessness of agni
on the topic of ekādaśarudras
on the topic of gāyatrī bringing the soma from heaven to earth in the form of śyena bird (as in taittirīyasaṁhitā)
on the topic of ghoṣā, the daughter of kakṣīvān
on the topic of go (cow)
on the topic of gotama praying to indra and helping the kings of kuru and sṛṁjaya races
on the topic of grāvas
on the topic of grāvas
on the topic of how agni got rid of the blindness of dhīrgatama, the son of mamata
on the topic of how aśvinī gods protected rishi atri
On the topic of how indra made a cow take birth in a female horse
on the topic of how ṛbhus accepted offer of āditya and became fit for partaking of soma in sacrifices
on the topic of how rishi atri was helped by the aśvinī gods
on the topic of how rishi atri was helped by the aśvinī gods
on the topic of how rishi atri was helped by the aśvinī gods
on the topic of ibha
On the topic of indra drinking soma with maruts
On the topic of indra killing an asura by name kṛṣṇa
On the topic of indra killing an asura by name kṛṣṇa
on the topic of indra rescuing rishi, etaśa
on the topic of indra slaying an asura by the name kṛṣṇa
on the topic of indra slaying the asura by the name of uraṇa
on the topic of indra slaying the demon krivi
On the topic of indra taking the form of rishi gṛtsamada
On the topic of indra’s capability
On the topic of kapiñjala (or śakuna) bird telling things auspicious
on the topic of kapiñjala, a bird
on the topic of kṛśānu
on the topic of kṛśānu
on the topic of kutsa
on the topic of kutsa
on the topic of kutsa
on the topic of kutsa
on the topic of kutsa
on the topic of kutsa
on the topic of kutsa and suṣṇāsura
on the topic of people belonging to which varṇa should offer sacrifices in which ṛtu
on the topic of rājā kuśika
on the topic of raja, jāhuṣa
on the topic of rishi kapotanaiṛta
on the topic of rishi kapotanaiṛta (br.)
on the topic of ṛṇatraya
on the topic of ṛṇatraya
on the topic of the chariot of aśvinī gods came to acquire three wheels
On the topic of the friendship between indra and maruts
on the topic of the genesis of uṣaḥkāla
on the topic of the god tanūnapāt
on the topic of the god tanūnapāt
on the topic of the god tanūnapāt
on the topic of the goddess uṣas
on the topic of the goddess uṣas
on the topic of the goddess, ilā
on the topic of the individual astrabudhna
on the topic of the individual by name ekata
on the topic of the individual by name ekata
on the topic of the individual indravaikuṇṭha
on the topic of the king tugra
on the topic of the meaning of the word keśi
on the topic of the meaning of the word keśi
on the topic of the particles, kam, īm, it and u
on the topic of the particles, kam, īm, it and u
on the topic of the rishi kaṇva
on the topic of the rishi kaṇva
on the topic of the three goddesses, tisro devīḥ, iḷā, sarasvatī and bhāratī
on the topic of the three goddesses, tisro devīḥ, iḷā, sarasvatī and bhāratī
on the topic of the three goddesses, tisro devīḥ, iḷā, sarasvatī and bhāratī
on the topic of the three goddesses, tisro devīḥ, iḷā, sarasvatī and bhāratī
on the topic of the word gīḥ
on the topic of three rishis, atri, virupāḥ and aṅgirāḥ
on the topic of tugraputra bhujyu
on the topic of ubhaya liṅgadevatā
on the topic that rishi kakṣīvān is the most important among the great 33 rishis of the aṅgirasa lineage
on topic of kutsa, āyu, atithigva
opinion of Wilson to the ṛk, kumāraṁ mātā yuvatiḥ
opinions of Western scholars like Roth and Maxmuller on the original form of aditi
oṣadhi and vanaspatis