eight names of agni
eleven āprī sūktas (br.)
eternal nature of uṣas and her repeated manifestation
etymological derivation and explanation of the word jīradānu
etymological derivation of the word āditya
etymological derivation of the word agni
etymological derivation of the word eka
Etymological derivation of the word indra and explanation of its meaning
Etymological derivation of the word indra and explanation of its meaning
etymological derivation of the word jāmi
etymological derivation of the word jāmi
etymological derivation of the word jāmi
etymological derivation of the word jāmi
etymological derivation of the word jāmi
etymological derivation of the word jāmi
etymological derivation of the word kakṣīvān
etymological derivation of the word kakṣīvān
etymological derivation of the word tanūnapāt (br.)
etymological derivation of the woṛd uṣaḥ
etymological derivation of the words cakra, ratha, etc.
etymological derivation, meaning, etc. of the word aśvinau
etymological interpretation of the word akūpārasya
examples of meters (chandas)
expalanation of the ṛk, upāvasṛja tmanyā
explanation and meaning of the ṛk, iṣreṇa te
explanation and meaning of the word akṣāḥ
explanation and meaning of the word atharyum
explanation and meaning of the word atithi
explanation and meaning of the word atithi
explanation and meaning of the word atithi
explanation and meaning of the word īkṣe, etc.
explanation and meaning of the word upajihvikā
explanation and the meaning of the word ānuṣak
explanation and use of the word abhipitve
explanation for the ṛk, evāna indraḥ found in the aitareya brāhmaṇa
explanation found in aitareya brāhmaṇa on the ṛk, añjanti tvā
explanation in the sātyāyanabrāhmaṇa on the ṛk, ayaṁ mātāyam
explanation of agnimathana (yajñāṅgakarma) as per the aitareya brahmaṇa
explanation of āśuśukṣaṇiḥ
explanation of kāla and saṁvatsara
explanation of kalpa, a branch of the Veda
explanation of kaṭhopaniṣad . the conversation between yama and naciketa
explanation of kavaca and jyā (bow string)
explanation of ṛtasya gaṛbha, etc.
explanation of some of the mantras used at the time of funeral rites (br.)
explanation of the adjectives that agni has, like dvijanmā, bhūrijanmā
explanation of the anecdote of agni hiding in the waters—the prehistoric story found in the ṛk and in yajurveda on this theme.
explanation of the āprī sūktas
explanation of the āprī sūktas
explanation of the āprī sūktas
explanation of the āprī sūktas
explanation of the catuścatvāriṁśastoma
explanation of the craftsmanship of ṛbhus
explanation of the craftsmanship of ṛbhus
explanation of the craftsmanship of ṛbhus
explanation of the ekaviṁśastoma
explanation of the gāyatrī mantra
explanation of the meaning of antarābharaḥ
explanation of the meaning of antaryāmagraha
explanation of the meaning of atyatiṣṭat
explanation of the meaning of the ṛk catvāri śṛṅga based on agni
explanation of the meaning of the ṛk catvāri śṛṅga based on sūrya
explanation of the meaning of the ṛk, etāvānasya
explanation of the meaning of the ṛk, uta tvaḥ paśyanna dadarśa vācaḥ
explanation of the meaning of the ṛk, uta tvam sakhye sthirapītamāhuḥ
explanation of the meaning of the two words guhā and hitam
explanation of the meaning of the word abhidhetana
explanation of the meaning of the word accha
explanation of the meaning of the word aghnyā
explanation of the meaning of the word arjuna
explanation of the meaning of the word aryaḥ
explanation of the meaning of the word asu
explanation of the meaning of the word asura and its uses
explanation of the meaning of the word asura and its uses
explanation of the meaning of the word asura and its uses
explanation of the meaning of the word asura and its uses
explanation of the meaning of the word asura and its uses
explanation of the meaning of the word asura and its uses
explanation of the meaning of the word āyutīnām
explanation of the meaning of the word candra
explanation of the meaning of the word candra
explanation of the meaning of the word carṣaṇīdhṛta
explanation of the meaning of the word ghṛtācī
explanation of the meaning of the word ghṛtapṛṣṭhaḥ
explanation of the meaning of the word gnā
explanation of the meaning of the word go
explanation of the meaning of the word go
explanation of the meaning of the word gotrabhidam
explanation of the meaning of the word īḍyaḥ
explanation of the meaning of the word īḍyaḥ
explanation of the meaning of the word īlita
Explanation of the meaning of the word indra according to Yāska
Explanation of the meaning of the word indu
explanation of the meaning of the word iyattakaḥ
explanation of the meaning of the word jahlavaḥ
explanation of the meaning of the word jarayantī
explanation of the meaning of the word jīrāśva, etc.
explanation of the meaning of the word juguryat
explanation of the meaning of the word kaṅkataḥ
explanation of the meaning of the word kāṇukā
explanation of the meaning of the word karambha
explanation of the meaning of the word kavi along with examples
explanation of the meaning of the word kavi along with examples
explanation of the meaning of the word khala
explanation of the meaning of the word kiyedhāḥ
explanation of the meaning of the word kośa . Yāska’s explanation
explanation of the meaning of the word kṛṣṭi
explanation of the meaning of the word ṛbhu
explanation of the meaning of the woṛd ṛdūdaraḥ
explanation of the meaning of the word takṣya
explanation of the meaning of the word tilvale
explanation of the meaning of the word tīvra
explanation of the meaning of the word u
explanation of the meaning of the word u
explanation of the meaning of the word ukhā
explanation of the meaning of the woṛd ūrdara
explanation of the meaning of the woṛd ūṛjonapāt
explanation of the meaning of the woṛd ūrmyā
explanation of the meaning of the woṛd ūrṇot
explanation of the meaning of the woṛd uṣāsānaktā
explanation of the meaning of the word utsa
explanation of the meaning of the word utsa
explanation of the meaning of the word, idhma
explanation of the meaning of the words kāru and kāravaḥ
explanation of the meaning of the words kāru and kāravaḥ
explanation of the meaning of the words kāru and kāravaḥ
explanation of the meaning of the words kāru and kāravaḥ
explanation of the meaning of words (br.)
explanation of the meanings of 16 woṛds that describe the nature of the goddess uṣas
explanation of the meanings of 16 woṛds that describe the nature of the goddess uṣas
explanation of the meanings of the different names of the goddess uṣas
explanation of the meanings of the words gavayaḥ and gauraḥ
explanation of the meanings of the words gavayaḥ and gauraḥ
explanation of the nature of kāla
explanation of the nature of kālacakra
explanation of the nature of kālacakra
explanation of the of the word āpra
explanation of the prefix ava
explanation of the prīnciples akṣara and kṣara
explanation of the ṛk, ā jaṅghanti
explanation of the ṛk, ā no yajñaṁ bhāratī
explanation of the ṛk, ā suṣvayantī
explanation of the ṛk, ā tū ṣiñca
explanation of the ṛk, ā vṛkṣan hanti
explanation of the ṛk, ahiriva bhogaiḥ
explanation of the ṛk, aīṣām cittam
explanation of the ṛk, ājuhvāna īḍyaḥ
explanation of the ṛk, akṣaṇvantaḥ karṇavantaḥ
explanation of the ṛk, āmāsu pakvam
explanation of the rk, anyamūṣutvam
explanation of the ṛk, āpāntamanyuḥ
Explanation of the ṛk, ārṣṭiṣeṇo hotram
explanation of the ṛk, asunīte
explanation of the ṛk, asyavāmasya, in terms of the god āditya
explanation of the ṛk, ayaṁ venaścodayat
explanation of the ṛk, candramā manaso jātaḥ
explanation of the ṛk, ekaḥ suparṇaḥ
explanation of the ṛk, ekayā pratibhā
explanation of the ṛk, imam tam paśya
explanation of the ṛk, indrāṇīmāsu nāriṣu
explanation of the ṛk, iyam śuṣmebhiḥ
explanation of the ṛk, jātavedase sunavāma
explanation of the ṛk, jmayā atra
explanation of the ṛk, kadāvaso
explanation of the ṛk, keśyagnim
explanation of the ṛk, kimicchantī
explanation of the ṛk, kṛṇuṣva pājaḥ
explanation of the ṛk, kuhasviddoṣā
explanation of the ṛk, ṛcāntvaḥ poṣamāste
explanation of the ṛk, taṁ yajñaṁ barhiṣi
explanation of the ṛk, tamūṣu samanā
explanation of the ṛk, tanūnapātpatha
explanation of the ṛk, tanūtyajeva
explanation of the ṛk, tasmādaśvā ajāyanta
explanation of the ṛk, tasmādvirāḷajāyata
explanation of the ṛk, tasmādyajñātsarvahutaḥ
explanation of the ṛk, tisro vācaḥ based on the adhidaivata view point and spiritual viewpoint
explanation of the ṛk, udīratām
explanation of the ṛk, uta tvaḥ paśyan
explanation of the ṛk, uta tvam sakhye
explanation of the ṛk, utāpi maitrāvaruṇa
explanation of the ṛtuyāja sacrifices . as in aitareya brāḥmaṇa and tattirīyasaṁhitā
explanation of the sentence jyokca sūryaṁ drśe
explanation of the sentence, tamidvardhantu no giraḥ, etc.
explanation of the statement, ātma yakṣasya naśyati
explanation of the sūkta, āpo hi ṣṭha
explanation of the the ṛk, araṇyānī
explanation of the translation of the word ayāsya
explanation of the twenty one types of chandas
explanation of the unnīyamāna sūktas
explanation of the word abhva
explanation of the word adhrigu
explanation of the word adhūṣata
explanation of the word adhvaryu
explanation of the word āditya
explanation of the word āditya
explanation of the word āditya
explanation of the word āditya
explanation of the word adri
explanation of the word adri
explanation of the word adri
explanation of the word adri
explanation of the word adri
explanation of the word adri
explanation of the word adri
explanation of the word adri
explanation of the word adri
explanation of the word āgadhitā
explanation of the word āgaḥ
explanation of the word āghṛṇe
explanation of the word āghṛṇe
explanation of the word agnijihva
explanation of the word agnijihva
explanation of the word agruva
explanation of the word ahimanyavaḥ
explanation of the word aīvā
explanation of the word aīvahā
explanation of the word akṣara
explanation of the word akṣara
explanation of the word alātṛṇāsaḥ
explanation of the word amājūḥ
explanation of the word amatra
explanation of the word aṁhaḥ
explanation of the word aminaḥ
explanation of the word amṛtatvasyeśānaḥ
explanation of the word amūra
explanation of the word anāgasaḥ
explanation of the word ananuda
explanation of the word anānudaḥ
explanation of the word anarśarātim
explanation of the word anarvāṇam and the opinions and criticism of the British scholars
explanation of the word anavabhrarādhasaḥ
explanation of the word andhaḥ
explanation of the word andhaḥ
explanation of the word aṅga
explanation of the word aṅkā
explanation of the word apāgūhan
explanation of the word apāṅgarbhaḥ
explanation of the word apasah
explanation of the word apīcyam
explanation of the word apratiṣkutaḥ
explanation of the word apsaras
explanation of the word apsaras
explanation of the word arāti
explanation of the word arāyi
explanation of the word arbuda
explanation of the word ariṣṭhanemi
explanation of the word aruṇaḥ
explanation of the word aruṇapsavaḥ
explanation of the word aruṣebhiḥ
explanation of the word aruṣebhiḥ
explanation of the word āryan
explanation of the word aśmāsyam
explanation of the word āt
explanation of the word avayāḥ
explanation of the word ayā
explanation of the word camūḥ
explanation of the word canaḥ
explanation of the word candrarathāḥ
explanation of the word carma
explanation of the word carṣaṇi
explanation of the word carṣaṇi
explanation of the word carṣaṇi
explanation of the word carṣaṇi
explanation of the word carṣaṇi
explanation of the word citti
explanation of the word gabhastyoḥ
explanation of the word gātu
explanation of the word gātu
explanation of the word gavyavaḥ
explanation of the word gavyūti
explanation of the word gayaspāna
explanation of the word ghṛta
explanation of the word go.agra
explanation of the word grāvā
explanation of the word grāvā
explanation of the word grāvā
explanation of the word ilā
explanation of the word ilā
explanation of the word ilaspade
explanation of the word ilaspade
explanation of the word iradhyai
explanation of the word iriṇam
explanation of the word iriṇam
explanation of the word īrmāntāsaḥ
explanation of the word iṣikā
explanation of the word iṣudhi
explanation of the word janaṁsahaḥ
explanation of the word jātaveda
explanation of the word jātaveda
explanation of the word jātaveda
explanation of the word jātaveda
explanation of the word jātaveda
explanation of the word jenyaḥ
explanation of the word johūtraḥ
explanation of the word joṣavākam, etc.
explanation of the word jūti
explanation of the word jyā (bow.string)
explanation of the word kāṇe
explanation of the word kanīnām
explanation of the word kanīnikā
explanation of the word kanyā
explanation of the word karañja
explanation of the word kāṣṭhāsu
explanation of the word ketu
explanation of the word kṛdara
explanation of the word kusikāsaḥ
explanation of the word kuṣumbhakaḥ
explanation of the word oṣadhi
explanation of the word oṣadhi
explanation of the word oṣadhi
explanation of the woṛd ṛdudareṇa
explanation of the woṛd ṛjīṣa . on śyena biṛd bringing soma from heaven
explanation of the woṛd ṛjīṣa . on śyena biṛd bringing soma from heaven
explanation of the woṛd ṛjīṣa . on śyena biṛd bringing soma from heaven
explanation of the woṛd ṛjīṣin
explanation of the woṛd ṛjīṣiṇaḥ
explanation of the word ṛsi
explanation of the word ṛsi
explanation of the word ṛṣṭi
explanation of the woṛd ṛtadhītayaḥ
explanation of the woṛd ṛtena
explanation of the woṛd ṛtu
explanation of the woṛd ṛtviyaḥ
explanation of the word tanaya
explanation of the word tanūkṛdhe
explanation of the word taraṇiḥ
explanation of the word tāṛkṣya
explanation of the woṛd ukṣā
explanation of the word ulūkhala
explanation of the word urvī
explanation of the woṛd uṣasau (naktoṣāsā)
explanation of the woṛd uṣasau (naktoṣāsā)
explanation of the word.for.word meaning of the gāyatrī mahāmantra
explanation of the words adri and grāva
explanation of the words tisro devīḥ
explanation of the yāga by the name of abhiplavaṣaḷaha
explanation of the yāga by the name of abhiplavaṣaḷaha
explanation of upāṁśugraha
explanation of Wilson, an English scholar, for the ṛk, āyūtheva
explanation with meanings of the sūkta, āte garbho yonimaitu of the 9th appendix, consisting of 5 mantras
explantion in the appendix of the Nirukta on the ṛk, apaśyam gopām
explantion of the ṛk, abhī idam
explantion of the word gotra
extolling the offering of anna